Disciplinary Category | First-Level Discipline | Doctoral Degree Discipline / Major | Master’s Degree Discipline /Major |
Philosophy | Philosophy | Philosophy of Marxism | Philosophy of Marxism |
Chinese Philosophy | Chinese Philosophy |
Foreign Philosophies | Foreign Philosophies |
Logic | Logic |
Ethics | Ethics |
Science of Religion | Science of Religion |
Philosophy of Science and Technology | Philosophy of Science and Technology |
Economics | Theoretical Economics | Political Economy | Political Economy |
Western Economics | Political Economics |
World Economics | World Economics |
| Population, Resources and Environmental Economics |
Applied Economics | Finance (including Insurance) | National Economics |
Industrial Economics | Regional Economics |
International Trade | Finance (including Insurance) |
| Industrial Economics |
| International Trade |
| Quantitative Economics |
Law | Law | Jurisprudence | Jurisprudence |
Criminal Jurisprudence | Legal History |
Civil Law and Commercial Law | Constitutional Law and Administrative Law |
Science of Economic Law | Criminal Jurisprudence |
Commercial Jurisprudence | Civil Law and Commercial Law |
| Science of Procedure Laws |
| Science of Economic Law |
| Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law |
| International Law |
Political Science | Political Theory | Political Theory |
International Politics | Chinese and Foreign Political Institution |
International Relations | Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement |
Chinese Government and Politics | History of the Communist Party of China |
| International Politics |
| International Relations |
| Diplomacy |
Sociology | Sociology | Sociology |
Demography | Demography |
Anthropology | Anthropology |
Social Psychology |
Social Work |
Ethnology |
| Ethnology |
Marxist Theory | Basic Principles of Marxism | Basic Principles of Marxism |
History of Marxism | History of Marxism |
Study of China-Characterized Marxism | Study of China-Characterized Marxism |
Foreign Study of Marxism | Foreign Study of Marxism |
Ideological Education | Ideological Education |
| Research on the Basic Problems of Chinese Modern and Contemporary History |
Education | Education Science | Higher Education | Curriculum and Teaching Methodology |
| Higher Education |
| Educational Technology |
Education | Psychology |
| Basic Psychology |
| Applied Psychology |
Physical Education |
| Physical Education Training |
Literature | Chinese Language and Literature | Literature and Art | Literature and Art |
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
Chinese Language and Philology | Chinese Language and Philology |
Chinese Classical Philology | Chinese Classical Philology |
Ancient Chinese Literature | Ancient Chinese Literature |
Modern Chinese Literature | Modern Chinese Literature |
Comparative Literature and World Literature | Comparative Literature and World Literature |
Overseas Sinology Study |
Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language |
Foreign Language and Literature | English Language and Literature | English Language and Literature |
Russian Language and Literature | Russian Language and Literature |
French Language and Literature | French Language and Literature |
German Language and Literature | German Language and Literature |
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Japanese Language and Literature |
East Asian Language and Literature | Spanish Language and Literature |
| Asian and African Language and Literature |
| Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
Literature | Journalism and Communication |
| Journalism |
| Communication |
History | Archaeology |
Chinese History | Frontier Science |
History of Chinese Thoughts |
World History | History of International Relations |
Natural Science | Mathematics | Basic Mathematics | Basic Mathematics |
Computational Mathematics | Computational Mathematics |
Probability and Statistics | Probability and Statistics |
Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics |
| Operational Research and Cybernetics |
Physics | Theoretical Physics | Theoretical Physics |
Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics | Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics |
Atomicand Molecular Physics | Atomicand Molecular Physics |
Condensed Matter Physics | Condensed Matter Physics |
Acoustics | Acoustics |
Optics | Optics |
Radio Physics | Radio Physics |
Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry | Analytic Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry | Physical Chemistry |
Polymer Chemistry and Physics | Polymer Chemistry and Physics |
Astronomy | Astrophysics | Astrophysics |
Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics | Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics |
Geography | Physical Geography | Physical Geography |
Human Geography | Human Geography |
Cartography and Geographical Information System | Cartography and Geographical Information System |
Science | Geography | Tourism Geography and Tourism Planning |
Coastal and Oceanographic Science |
Urban and Regional Planning (cross - Public Management) |
Resources and Environment Remote Sensing (cross - environment, computers, electronics) |
Land Use and Planning (cross - Public Management) |
Atmospheric Sciences | Meteorology | Meteorology |
Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment | Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment |
Oceanographic Sciences | Marine Geology | Marine Geology |
Geophysics |
| Solid Geophysics |
Geology | Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology | Mineralogy, petrology, mineral deposit geology |
Geochemical | Geochemical |
Paleontology and Stratigraphy | Paleontology and Stratigraphy |
Structural Geology | Structural Geology |
Quaternary Geology | Quaternary Geology |
Marine Geochemistry |
Hydrology Geology |
Nuclear Energy Geology (cross - Geological Resources) |
Biology | Botany | Botany |
Zoology | Zoology |
Physiology | Physiology |
Genetics | Genetics |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
| Biophysics |
Systems Science |
| Systems Analysis and Integration |
Ecology | Corresponding to the newly built A-level disciplines, no B-level disciplines now |
Statistics | Corresponding to the newly built A-level disciplines, no B-level disciplines now |
Engineering | Optical Engineering |
| Optical Engineering |
Materials Science and Engineering | MaterialsPhysics and Chemistry | Materials Physics and Chemistry |
Material Science | Material Science |
Materials Processing Engineering | Materials Processing Engineering |
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermodynamics |
| Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering |
Electronic Science and Technology | Physical Electronics | Physical Electronics |
Circuits and Systems | Circuits and Systems |
Micro-Electronics and Solid-State Electronics | Micro-Electronics and Solid-State Electronics |
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology | Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology |
Information and Communication Engineering | Signal and Information Processing | Communication and Information Systems |
| Signal and Information Processing |
Control Science and Engineering |
| Control Theory and Control Engineering |
| Systems Engineering |
Computer Science and Technology | Computer Systematic Science | Computer Systematic Science |
Computer Software and Theory | Computer Software and Theory |
Computer Applied Technology | Computer Applied Technology |
Computer Network and Information Security |
Architecture | A-Level disciplines are added according to the adjustment; there’s no B-Level discipline | Building Technology Science |
Water Conservation Project | Hydrology and Water Resources | Hydrology and Water Resources |
Surveying Science and Engineering |
| Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
Chemical Engineering and Technology |
| Applied Chemistry |
Engineering | Geological Resources and Geological Engineering | Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Resource | Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Resource |
Geodetection and IT | Geodetection and IT |
Geological Engineering | Geological Engineering |
Energy Geology |
Environmental Science and Engineering | Environmental Science | Environmental Science |
Environmental Engineering | Environmental Engineering |
Environmental Planning and Management |
Environmental Materials Engineering |
Environmental Safety and Health (cross-Clinical Medicine) |
Biomedical Engineering |
| Biomedical Engineering |
Urban and Rural Planning | (To be added) |
Software Engineering | (To be added) |
Medicine | Basic Medicine | Human Anatomy and Embryology | Human Anatomy and Embryology |
Immunology | Immunology |
Pathogen biology | Pathogen biology |
Pathology and Pathophysiology | Pathology and Pathophysiology |
1002Clinical | Internal Medicine | Internal Medicine |
Surgery | Pediatrics |
Neurology | Neurology |
Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine | Psychiatry and Mental Health |
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics | Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
Obstetrics and Gynecology | Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics |
Oncology | Surgery |
Anesthesiology | Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Intensive Medicine | Ophthalmology |
| Otorhinolaryngology |
| Oncology |
| Anesthesiology |
| Emergency Medicine |
Stomatology |
| Clinical Stomatology |
Pharmaceutical | Medicinal Chemistry(including natural medicine, chemistry) | Medicinal Chemistry(including natural medicine, chemistry) |
Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy | Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy |
Pharmacology | Pharmacology |
Management | Management Science and Engineering | Management Science and Engineering | Management Science and Engineering |
Information Engineering Management (AC - Library, Information) |
Business Administration | Accounting | Accounting |
Enterprise Management | Enterprise Management |
Technical Economics and Management | Technical Economics and Management |
Human Resource Management |
Public Management | Administration | Administration |
Social Medicine and Health Management | Social Medicine and Health Management |
Educational Economy and Management | Educational Economy and Management |
Social Security | Social Security |
Land Resource Management | Land Resource Management |
Social Risk and Public Crisis Management |
Mass Media and Media Management |
| Library, Information and Archive Management | Library Science | Library Science |
Information Sciences | Information Sciences |
Archives | Archives |
Information Resources Management |
Publishing |
Art | Art Theory | (To be added) |
Drama and Film Studies |
Fine Arts |