Graduate Programs

Disciplinary Category First-Level Discipline Doctoral Degree Discipline / Major Master’s Degree Discipline /Major

PhilosophyPhilosophyPhilosophy of MarxismPhilosophy of Marxism

Chinese PhilosophyChinese Philosophy

Foreign PhilosophiesForeign Philosophies



Science of ReligionScience of Religion

Philosophy of Science and TechnologyPhilosophy of Science and Technology

EconomicsTheoretical EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical Economy

Western EconomicsPolitical Economics

World EconomicsWorld Economics

Population, Resources and Environmental Economics

Applied EconomicsFinance (including Insurance)National Economics

Industrial EconomicsRegional Economics

International TradeFinance (including Insurance)

Industrial Economics

International Trade

Quantitative Economics


Criminal JurisprudenceLegal History

Civil Law and Commercial LawConstitutional Law and Administrative Law

Science of Economic LawCriminal Jurisprudence

Commercial JurisprudenceCivil Law and Commercial Law

Science of Procedure Laws

Science of Economic Law

Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law

International Law

Political SciencePolitical TheoryPolitical Theory

International PoliticsChinese and Foreign Political Institution

International RelationsScientific Socialism and International Communist Movement

Chinese Government and PoliticsHistory of the Communist Party of China

International Politics

International Relations





Social Psychology

Social Work


Marxist TheoryBasic Principles of MarxismBasic Principles of Marxism

History of MarxismHistory of Marxism

Study of China-Characterized MarxismStudy of China-Characterized Marxism

Foreign Study of MarxismForeign Study of Marxism

Ideological EducationIdeological Education

Research on the Basic Problems of Chinese Modern and Contemporary History

EducationEducation ScienceHigher EducationCurriculum and Teaching Methodology

Higher Education

Educational Technology

Basic Psychology

Applied Psychology
Physical Education
Physical Education Training
LiteratureChinese Language and LiteratureLiterature and ArtLiterature and Art
Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsLinguistics and Applied Linguistics
Chinese Language and PhilologyChinese Language and Philology
Chinese Classical PhilologyChinese Classical Philology
Ancient Chinese LiteratureAncient Chinese Literature
Modern Chinese LiteratureModern Chinese Literature
Comparative Literature and World LiteratureComparative Literature and World Literature
Overseas Sinology Study
Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
Foreign Language and LiteratureEnglish Language and LiteratureEnglish Language and Literature
Russian Language and LiteratureRussian Language and Literature
French Language and LiteratureFrench Language and Literature
German Language and LiteratureGerman Language and Literature
Foreign Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsJapanese Language and Literature
East Asian Language and LiteratureSpanish Language and Literature

Asian and African Language and Literature

Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
LiteratureJournalism and Communication


Chinese HistoryFrontier Science
History of Chinese Thoughts
World HistoryHistory of International Relations
Natural ScienceMathematicsBasic MathematicsBasic Mathematics
Computational MathematicsComputational Mathematics
Probability and StatisticsProbability and Statistics
Applied MathematicsApplied Mathematics

Operational Research and Cybernetics
PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsTheoretical Physics
Particle Physics and Nuclear PhysicsParticle Physics and Nuclear Physics
Atomicand Molecular PhysicsAtomicand Molecular Physics
Condensed Matter PhysicsCondensed Matter Physics
Radio PhysicsRadio Physics
ChemistryInorganic ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
Analytical ChemistryAnalytic Chemistry
Organic ChemistryOrganic Chemistry
Physical ChemistryPhysical Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry and PhysicsPolymer Chemistry and Physics
Astrometry and Celestial MechanicsAstrometry and Celestial Mechanics
GeographyPhysical GeographyPhysical Geography
Human GeographyHuman Geography
Cartography and Geographical Information SystemCartography and Geographical Information System
ScienceGeographyTourism Geography and Tourism Planning

Coastal and Oceanographic Science

Urban and Regional Planning (cross - Public Management)

Resources and Environment Remote Sensing (cross - environment, computers, electronics)

Land Use and Planning (cross - Public Management)

Atmospheric SciencesMeteorologyMeteorology

Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment

Oceanographic SciencesMarine GeologyMarine Geology

Solid Geophysics

GeologyMineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit GeologyMineralogy, petrology, mineral deposit geology


Paleontology and StratigraphyPaleontology and Stratigraphy

Structural GeologyStructural Geology

Quaternary GeologyQuaternary Geology

Marine Geochemistry

Hydrology Geology

Nuclear Energy Geology (cross - Geological Resources)





Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyBiochemistry and Molecular Biology


Systems Science
Systems Analysis and Integration

EcologyCorresponding to the newly built A-level disciplines, no B-level disciplines now

StatisticsCorresponding to the newly built A-level disciplines, no B-level disciplines now

EngineeringOptical Engineering
Optical Engineering

Materials Science and EngineeringMaterialsPhysics and ChemistryMaterials Physics and Chemistry

Material ScienceMaterial Science

Materials Processing EngineeringMaterials Processing Engineering

Power Engineering and Engineering Thermodynamics
Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering

Electronic Science and TechnologyPhysical ElectronicsPhysical Electronics

Circuits and SystemsCircuits and Systems

Micro-Electronics and Solid-State ElectronicsMicro-Electronics and Solid-State Electronics

Electromagnetic Field and Microwave TechnologyElectromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology

Information and Communication EngineeringSignal and Information ProcessingCommunication and Information Systems

Signal and Information Processing

Control Science and Engineering
Control Theory and Control Engineering

Systems Engineering

Computer Science and TechnologyComputer Systematic ScienceComputer Systematic Science

Computer Software and TheoryComputer Software and Theory

Computer Applied TechnologyComputer Applied Technology

Computer Network and Information Security

ArchitectureA-Level disciplines are added according to the adjustment; there’s no B-Level disciplineBuilding Technology Science

Water Conservation ProjectHydrology and Water ResourcesHydrology and Water Resources

Surveying Science and Engineering
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Chemical Engineering and Technology
Applied Chemistry

EngineeringGeological Resources and Geological EngineeringProspecting and Exploration of Mineral ResourceProspecting and Exploration of Mineral Resource

Geodetection and ITGeodetection and IT

Geological EngineeringGeological Engineering

Energy Geology

Environmental Science and EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Science

Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering

Environmental Planning and Management

Environmental Materials Engineering

Environmental Safety and Health (cross-Clinical Medicine)

Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering

Urban and Rural Planning(To be added)

Software Engineering(To be added)

MedicineBasic MedicineHuman Anatomy and EmbryologyHuman Anatomy and Embryology


Pathogen biologyPathogen biology

Pathology and PathophysiologyPathology and Pathophysiology

1002ClinicalInternal MedicineInternal Medicine



Medical Imaging and Nuclear MedicinePsychiatry and Mental Health

Clinical Laboratory DiagnosticsMedical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine

Obstetrics and GynecologyClinical Laboratory Diagnostics


AnesthesiologyObstetrics and Gynecology

Intensive MedicineOphthalmology




Emergency Medicine

Clinical Stomatology

PharmaceuticalMedicinal Chemistry(including natural medicine, chemistry)Medicinal Chemistry(including natural medicine, chemistry)


Microbial and Biochemical PharmacyMicrobial and Biochemical Pharmacy


ManagementManagement Science and EngineeringManagement Science and EngineeringManagement Science and Engineering

Information Engineering Management (AC - Library, Information)

Business AdministrationAccountingAccounting

Enterprise ManagementEnterprise Management

Technical Economics and ManagementTechnical Economics and Management

Human Resource Management

Public ManagementAdministrationAdministration

Social Medicine and Health ManagementSocial Medicine and Health Management

Educational Economy and ManagementEducational Economy and Management

Social SecuritySocial Security

Land Resource ManagementLand Resource Management

Social Risk and Public Crisis Management

Mass Media and Media Management

Library, Information and Archive ManagementLibrary ScienceLibrary Science

Information SciencesInformation Sciences


Information Resources Management


ArtArt Theory(To be added)

Drama and Film Studies

Fine Arts